I Spy Design Series on Instagram
Hi friends! During the summer I ran a fun hashtag series on Instagram called #ISpyDesignSeries. So much inspiration was found through the series that we decided to bring it back for a special “Christmas Edition.” From now until Dec. 16 I’ll be teaming up with these wonderful friends to view Christmas on Instagram:
Addison’s Wonderland
Haneen’s Haven
The Sunnyside Up Blog
Four Generations One Roof
Blount Designs
Every week we pour over every single photo submitted on Instagram to our hashtag series and choose a weekly winner. So what’s a hashtag series you ask? Well, if you don’t follow me or any of these amazing gals on Instagram, you should! Instagram is the best way to see little snippets of homes. By using a hashtag, Instagrammers can post a picture with the #ISpyDesignSeries hashtag, and their photo is thrown into a “library” of photos that have all been posted to the series. It’s a great way to be discovered! Over the summer, we found some beautiful homes that now inspire us just by them playing along with our little hashtag series.
Last Friday, all seven of us posted this announcement on Instagram:

Make sure you are following all 7 accounts for a chance to be featured!
@addisonswonderland @blountdesigns @interiorsbyzdesign @haneens_haven @erin_sunnysideup @fourgenerationsoneroof @thehouseofsilverlining
Every Sunday for the next 4 weeks, we will announce a new theme for the week. Stay tuned for our first theme announcement THIS SUNDAY!
Post your photos with #ISpyDesignSeries and tag as many friends as you think may want to play along!
You have until Tuesday 8:00 p.m. (EST) to post your photos. The winner of the week will be announced every Wednesday and will be featured on all 7 of our accounts that day!
IT GETS BETTER!! At the end of the 4 week series, we will randomly pick one person out of the four winners to give a $100 Pottery Barn Gift Card to!! Just in time for that last minute Christmas shopping! ✨Time to be inspired!!✨
This week we are looking at “Christmas Past” in our homes. This can be a photo of a sweet memory or anything spruced up for Christmas! Here’s a little glimpse into the homes of my friends:
Every Christmas in the past, I’ve taken photos of my decor. I had no idea I’d ever be showing them on a blog.
This week I’ll be sharing a Christmas Home tour of last Christmas in my home. I look back and see how I’ve changed so much in my home in just one year! And my photography skills have gotten WAY better {I hope}.
Head on over to Instagram now and post your photo for this week’s theme which is all about “Christmas Past.” Don’t forget to use #ISpyDesignSeries for a chance to be featured on all of our Instagram accounts on Wednesday! I can’t wait to see your photos!
Yay Shauna!! Happy to be playing along with all of you. Can’t wait to see all the fun pictures on instagram 😉
Did you lost the bed source and I just missed it? Would you mind sharing, please?
Hi Heather,
The bed is from Wayfair and is linked directly on the blog.
Lovely post, Shauna!! Thank you for including me in this and I couldn’t be more excited to participate:)). Happy holiday decorating and a big Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I wouldn’t want to do the #ISpyDesignSeries with you! We’ve been in it together since the beginning! I feel so blessed to have such a talented friend walk into my life!
Nice recap and share, Shauna! I’m excited, indeed, to be teaming up with all of you again (and our new collaborator, Jessica!????) for our #ispydesignseries holiday edition!!????❤️✨. One week under our belts, and the hashtag is already overflowing with great Christmas design inspiration!! Thanks for coordinating, once again, and for inviting me to be part of this fun series and alongside these amazing ladies!! I enjoy every second of it!!
Thank you Debi! You bring so much laughter to this group and of course your home is stunning!! So thankful for our friendship!